Source code for polo.utils.exceptions

[docs]class EmptyDirectoryError(Exception): '''Raised when attempting to load images from an empty directory''' pass
[docs]class NotHWIDirectoryError(Exception): ''' Raised when user attempts to read in a directory as HWI but it does not look like one. TODO: Add utils function to determine when to raise this exception. ''' pass
[docs]class IncompletePlateError(Exception): ''' Raised when reading in an HWI directory but it does not contain number of images corresponding to number of wells. ''' pass
[docs]class EmptyRunNameError(Exception): ''' Raised when reading in an HWI directory but it does not contain number of images corresponding to number of wells. ''' pass
[docs]class InvalidCocktailFile(Exception): ''' Raised when user attempts to load in a file containing well cocktail information that does not confrom to existing formating standards. ''' pass
[docs]class ForbiddenImageTypeError(Exception): ''' Raised when user attempts to load in an image that is not in the allowed image types. ''' pass
[docs]class NotASolutionError(Exception): ''' Raised when user attempts to load in an image that is not in the allowed image types. ''' pass