Source code for polo.widgets.plate_viewer

import math

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, pyqtSignal
from PyQt5.QtGui import (QBitmap, QBrush, QColor, QFont, QIcon, QPainter,
                         QPixmap, QPixmapCache)
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsColorizeEffect, QGraphicsScene

from polo import ALLOWED_IMAGE_COUNTS, COLORS, IMAGE_CLASSIFICATIONS, make_default_logger
from import HWIRun, Run
from polo.threads.thread import QuickThread
from polo.utils.dialog_utils import make_message_box
from polo.utils.io_utils import RunSerializer, SceneExporter
from polo.utils.math_utils import *
from polo.widgets.slideshow_viewer import PhotoViewer
from import ImagePopDialog

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class PlateGraphicsItem(QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem): def __init__(self, pixmap, parent=None): super(PlateGraphicsItem, self).__init__(pixmap, parent)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self)
[docs]class plateViewer(QtWidgets.QGraphicsView): subgrid_dict = {16: (4, 4), 64: (8, 8), 96: (8, 12), 1536: (32, 48)} changed_page_signal = pyqtSignal(int) changed_images_per_page_signal = pyqtSignal(tuple) def __init__(self, parent, run=None, images_per_page=24): super(plateViewer, self).__init__(parent) self.preserve_aspect = False # how to fit images in scene self._images_per_page = images_per_page self._graphics_wells = None self._current_page = 1 self._scene = QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene(self) self._scene.selectionChanged.connect(self.pop_out_selected_well) self._zoom = 0 self._scene_map = {} self._view_cache = {} self.setInteractive(True) self.setScene(self._scene) self.setBackgroundBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(30, 30, 30))) self.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.setTransformationAnchor(self.AnchorUnderMouse) = run # run init last since depends on existence of other attributes
[docs] @staticmethod def well_index_to_subgrid(i, c_r, c_c, p_r, p_c): '''Find the linear index of the subgrid that a particular index belongs to within a larger grid. For example, ou are given a list of length 16. The list is reshaped into a 4 x 4 2D list. We divide the new grid into 4 quadrants each 2 X 2 and label them with an index (0, 1, 2, 3). Given an index of the original list we want to find the subgrid it belongs to. :param i: Index of point to locate in the 1D list :type i: int :param c_r: Number of rows in each subgrid :type c_r: int :param c_c: Number of columns in each subgrid :type c_c: int :param p_r: Number or rows in the entire grid :type p_r: int :param p_c: Number of columns in the entire grid :type p_c: int :return: Index of the subgrid the index `i` belongs to :rtype: int ''' def cord_finder(): row = math.floor(i / p_c) col = i - (p_c * row) return row, col r, c = cord_finder() # chunk_rows = int(p_r / c_r) chunk_cols = int((p_c / c_c)) c_x, c_y = math.floor(r / c_r), math.floor(c / c_c) return c_x * chunk_cols + c_y
@property def images_per_page(self): '''Number of images in the current page. :return: Number of images :rtype: int ''' return self._images_per_page @images_per_page.setter def images_per_page(self, new_num): if new_num != self._images_per_page: self._images_per_page = new_num self._current_page = 1 @property def total_pages(self): '''Total number of pages based on the number of images per page and the number of images in the current run. :return: Number of pages :rtype: int ''' if and self.images_per_page: return math.ceil(len( / self.images_per_page) else: return 0 @property def view_dims(self): '''Current view dimensions in pixels. :return: Width and height of the view :rtype: tuple ''' return self.width(), self.height() @property def aspect_ratio(self): '''Current "best" aspect ratio for the view given the size of the view and the number of images that need to be fit into the view. :return: Dimensions of the image grid, in images :rtype: tuple ''' if and self.images_per_page: view_w, view_h = self.view_dims return best_aspect_ratio(view_w, view_h, self.images_per_page) else: return 0, 0 @property def current_page(self): '''Current page :return: Current page :rtype: int ''' return self._current_page @current_page.setter def current_page(self, new_page_number): if new_page_number > self.total_pages: new_page_number = 1 elif new_page_number < 1: new_page_number = self.total_pages self._current_page = new_page_number @property def run(self): '''The current run being displayed. :return: The current run :rtype: HWIRun ''' return self._run @run.setter def run(self, new_run): self._run = new_run self._scene.clear() QPixmapCache.clear()
[docs] def _get_visible_wells(self, page=None): '''Return indices of images that should be shown in the current page. A page is equivalent to a subsection of a larger screening plate. :param page: Page number to find images for, defaults to None :type page: int, optional :yield: image index :rtype: int ''' if not page: page = self.current_page r, c = self.subgrid_dict[self.images_per_page] # dims of grid to show p_r, p_c = self.subgrid_dict[len(] # dims of entire plate for i in range(0, len( # size of plate plate_index = plateViewer.well_index_to_subgrid(i, r, c, p_r, p_c) plate_index += 1 if plate_index == page: yield i
[docs] def _make_image_label(self, image, label_dict, font_size=35): '''Private helper method for creating label strings to overlay onto each image in the view. :param image: Image to create label from :type image: Image :param label_dict: Dictionary of image attributes to include in the label :type label_dict: dict :param font_size: Font size for the label, defaults to 35 :type font_size: int, optional :return: QGraphicsTextItem with label text set :rtype: QGraphicsTextItem ''' template, text = '{}: {}', [] if label_dict: for k in sorted(label_dict.keys()): if k == 'Well' and label_dict[k]: text.append(template.format(k, image.well_number)) elif k == 'Date' and label_dict[k]: text.append(template.format(k, image.formated_date)) elif k == 'Cocktail Number' and label_dict[k] and image.cocktail: text.append(template.format(k, image.cocktail.number)) elif k == 'Human Classification' and label_dict[k]: text.append(template.format(k, image.human_class)) elif k == 'MARCO Classification' and label_dict[k]: text.append(template.format(k, image.machine_class)) t = QtWidgets.QGraphicsTextItem() t.setPlainText('\n'.join(text)) f = QFont() f.setPointSize(font_size) t.setFont(f) return t
[docs] def _set_prerender_info(self, item, image): '''Private helper method that sets flags and the tooltip for :class:`QGraphicsItems` before they are added to the :class:`GraphicsScene`. :param item: GraphicsItem that is to be added to the scene :type item: QGraphicsItem :param image: Image who's data will be used to label the GraphicsItem :type image: Image :return: QGraphicsItem :rtype: QGraphicsItem ''' item.setFlag(QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable) item.setToolTip(image.get_tool_tip()) # pixmap is Image return item
[docs] def tile_images_onto_scene(self, label_dict={}): '''Calculates images that should be shown based on the current page and the number of images per page. Then tiles these images into a grid, adding them to :attr:`_scene` attribute. :param label_dict: Dictionary of Image attributes to pass along to :meth:`~polo.widgets.plate_viewer.plateViewer._make_image_label` to create image labels, defaults to {} :type label_dict: dict, optional ''' if QtWidgets.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) [ for item in self._scene.items() if isinstance(item, QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem)] # for now delete all previous pixmap data from ram _, stride = self.subgrid_dict[self.images_per_page] cur_x_pos, cur_y_pos = 0, 0 # position to place image in pixels row_height = 0 # height of tallest image in a given row of images images = [[i] for i in self._get_visible_wells()] _, stride = self.subgrid_dict[self.images_per_page] self._scene.clear() self.viewport().update() for i, image in enumerate(images): if i % stride == 0 and i != 0: cur_y_pos += row_height row_height, cur_x_pos, = 0, 0 # reset row height for next row if image.isNull(): image.setPixmap() item = self._scene.addPixmap(image) item.setPos(cur_x_pos, cur_y_pos) label = self._make_image_label(image, label_dict) if label: self._scene.addItem(label) label.setPos(cur_x_pos, cur_y_pos) item.setData(0, image) self._set_prerender_info(item, image) if image.height() > row_height: row_height = image.height() cur_x_pos += image.width() self._scene.selectionChanged.connect(self.pop_out_selected_well) self.setScene(self._scene) self.fitInView(self._scene, self.preserve_aspect) QtWidgets.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.changed_images_per_page_signal.emit( self.subgrid_dict[self._images_per_page] ) logger.debug('Added {} images to scene'.format(len(images))) self.changed_page_signal.emit(self._current_page) self.repaint()
[docs] def set_scene_opacity_from_filters(self, image_types, human=False, marco=False, favorite=False, filtered_opacity=0.2): '''Sets the opacity of all items in the :attr:`_scene` attribute based on image filtering criteria. Allows for highlighting images that meet specific qualifications such has having a MARCO classification of crystals. Images that do not meet the set filter requirements will have their opacity set to the value specificed by the `filtered_opacity` argument. :param image_types: Image classifications to select for. :type image_types: set of list :param human: If True, use human classification to determine image classification, defaults to False :type human: bool, optional :param marco: If True, use MARCO classification to determine image classification , defaults to False :type marco: bool, optional :param favorite: If True, image must be favorited to be selected, defaults to False :type favorite: bool, optional :param filtered_opacity: Set the opacity for images that do not need the filtering requirements, defaults to 0.2 :type filtered_opacity: float, optional ''' for item in self._scene.items(): if isinstance(item, QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem): image = if image.standard_filter(image_types, human, marco, favorite): item.setOpacity(1) else: # did not meet the filtered criteria item.setOpacity(filtered_opacity)
[docs] def set_scene_colors_from_filters(self, color_mapping, strength=0.5, human=False): '''Set the color of images based on their current classifications. Very similar to :meth:`~polo.widgets.plate_viewer.plateViewer.set_opacity_from_filters`. Images can be colored by their MARCO or human classification. :param color_mapping: Dictionary that maps image classifications to QColors :type color_mapping: dict :param strength: Image color strength, defaults to 0.5 :type strength: float, optional :param human: If True, use the human classification to color images, defaults to False :type human: bool, optional ''' for item in self._scene.items(): effect = None if isinstance(item, QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem): image, color =, None if human: if image.human_class in color_mapping: color = color_mapping[image.human_class] elif image.machine_class in color_mapping: color = color_mapping[image.machine_class] if color: effect = QGraphicsColorizeEffect() effect.setColor(color) effect.setStrength(strength) item.setGraphicsEffect(effect)
[docs] def fitInView(self, scene, preserve_aspect=False): '''Fit items added to :attr:`_scene` attribute into the available display space. :param scene: QGraphicsScene to fit :type scene: QGraphicsScene :param preserve_aspect: If True, preserves the aspect ratio of item is the scene, defaults to False :type preserve_aspect: bool, optional ''' self.setSceneRect(scene.itemsBoundingRect()) if preserve_aspect: super(plateViewer, self).fitInView(scene.itemsBoundingRect(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio) else: super(plateViewer, self).fitInView(scene.itemsBoundingRect())
[docs] def wheelEvent(self, event): '''Handle Qt wheelEvents by setting the :attr:`_zoom` attribute. Allows users to zoom in and out of the current view. :param event: event :type event: QEvent ''' if event: if event.angleDelta().y() > 0: factor = 1.25 self._zoom += 1 else: factor = 0.8 self._zoom -= 1 if self._zoom > 0: self.scale(factor, factor) elif self._zoom == 0: self.fitInView(self._scene, self.preserve_aspect) else: self._zoom = 0
[docs] def pop_out_selected_well(self): '''Helper method to handle image selection and open an :class:`ImagePopDialog` that displays the selected image in a pop out view. ''' selection = self._scene.selectedItems() if selection: image = selection[0].data(0) pop_out = ImagePopDialog(image, parent=self) pop_out.setWindowModality(Qt.ApplicationModal) self._scene.clearSelection()
[docs] def emphasize_all_images(self): '''Returns the opacity of all images in the :attr:`_scene` attribute to 1, or fully opaque. ''' for each_gw in self._scene.items(): if isinstance(each_gw, QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem): each_gw.setOpacity(1)
[docs] def decolor_all_images(self): '''Removes all coloring from images in the :attr:`_scene` attribute. ''' for each_item in self._scene.items(): if isinstance(each_item, QtWidgets.QGraphicsPixmapItem): each_item.setGraphicsEffect(None)
[docs] def export_current_view(self, save_path=None): '''Exports the current content of the :attr:`_scene` attribute to a png file. :param save_path: Path to save the image to, defaults to None. If kept as None opens a QFileDialog to get a save file path. :type save_path: str or Path, optional ''' if self._scene: if not save_path: save_path = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self, 'Save View')[0] if save_path: save_path = RunSerializer.path_suffix_checker(save_path, '.png') self.export_thread = QuickThread(SceneExporter.write_image, scene=self._scene, file_path=save_path) def finished_write(): write_result = self.export_thread.result if isinstance(write_result, str): message = 'View saved to {}'.format(write_result) else: message = 'Write to {} failed with error {}'.format( save_path, write_result ) make_message_box(parent=self, message=message).exec_() self.export_thread.finished.connect(finished_write) self.export_thread.start()