Source code for polo.widgets.run_organizer

import ftplib
import os
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
from random import randint

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, uic
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QGridLayout

from polo import ICON_DICT, IMAGE_SPECS, SPEC_KEYS, make_default_logger
from import HWIRun, Run
from polo.designer.UI_run_organizer import Ui_Form
from polo.threads.thread import *
from polo.utils.dialog_utils import make_message_box
from polo.utils.io_utils import *
from polo.utils.unrar_utils import test_for_working_unrar
from import FTPDialog
from import RunImporterDialog

# run organizer should be the outer class and
# run tree should be the inner calss widget

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class RunOrganizer(QtWidgets.QWidget): '''Widget for organizing and importing runs into Polo. :param parent: Parent widget, defaults to None :type parent: QWidget, optional :param auto_link_runs: If True runs are automatically linked as they are loaded in, defaults to True :type auto_link_runs: bool, optional ''' opening_run = pyqtSignal(list) classify_run = pyqtSignal(list) ftp_download_status = pyqtSignal(bool) def __init__(self, parent=None, auto_link_runs=True): super(RunOrganizer, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.auto_link_runs = auto_link_runs # allow for turn off in settings self.current_run = None self.shown_unrar_message = False self.ftp_download_counter = [0, 0] # x of y downloads complete self._has_been_opened = set([]) self._recent_files = [] self._shown_unrecognized_run_warning = False self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect(self._handle_classification_request) self.ui.runTree.itemDoubleClicked.connect(self._handle_opening_run) self.ui.runTree.opening_run.connect(self._handle_opening_run) self.ui.runTree.remove_run_signal.connect(self._clear_current_run) self.ui.runTree.dropped_links_signal.connect(self._import_runs) self.ui.runTree.classify_sample_signal.connect(self._classify_multiple_runs) logger.debug('Created {}'.format(self)) @property def all_runs(self): '''Get all runs currently listed in the :attr:`~ui.runTree`. :return: List of :class:`Run` objects :rtype: list ''' return list(self.ui.runTree.loaded_runs.values()) @property def recent_files(self): '''Return recently accessed imports. :return: List of recently accessed imports :rtype: list ''' return self._recent_files @recent_files.setter def recent_files(self, new_file): if str(new_file) not in self._recent_files: if len(self._recent_files) > 4: self._recent_files.pop() self._recent_files.append(str(new_file))
[docs] def save_recent_import_paths(self): '''Save the recently used import paths to the path specified by the :const:`~polo.RECENT_FILES` path. Polo will attempt to open and read this file the next time the program is run in order to allow users to open recently opened runs. ''' if self.recent_files: with open(str(RECENT_FILES), 'w') as recent_files: for f in self.recent_files: recent_files.write(f + '\n')
[docs] def _clear_current_run(self, run_list): '''Clear out the current run from other widgets by emiting a :attr:`opening_run` signal with a list that does not contain a Run or HWIRun object. :param run_list: List of runs :type run_list: list ''' if run_list: self.opening_run.emit([None])
[docs] def _handle_classification_request(self): '''Private method to open a classification thread of the currently selected run. Calls :meth:`~polo.widgets.run_organizer.RunOrganizer._open_classification_thread` to start the classification thread. ''' selected_run = self.ui.runTree.selected_run if selected_run: classification_greenlight = True # check if run is an alternative spectrum, if true then warn the # user that MARCO has not been trained on this type of image if selected_run.image_spectrum and selected_run.image_spectrum.lower() != 'visible': choice = make_message_box( parent=self, message='WAIT! MARCO has not been trained on images that do not use standard visible light microscopy, like the images you have requested to classify. Therefore, image classifications may not be accurate. Press OK to continue classification despite having read this advice.', buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel, ).exec_() if choice == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel: classification_greenlight = False if selected_run.has_been_machine_classified: # ask user if they want to reclassify run if work has already # been done choice = make_message_box( parent=self, message="Selected run has already been classified. Would you like to classify again?", buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No ).exec_() if choice == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: if randint(0, 100) == 31: make_message_box( parent=self, message="Thank you human - Polo", buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok ).exec_() classification_greenlight = False if classification_greenlight: self._open_classification_thread(selected_run) self.classification_thread.start() else: logger.error('Failed to open classification thread for {}'.format(selected_run))
[docs] def _handle_opening_run(self, *args): '''Private method that signal to other widgets that the current run should be opened for analysis and viewing by emiting the :attr:`opening_run` signal containing the selected run. ''' # get the selected item selected_run = self.ui.runTree.selected_run logger.debug('Request open {}'.format(selected_run)) if selected_run: if selected_run.run_name not in self._has_been_opened: if not isinstance(selected_run, HWIRun) and not self._shown_unrecognized_run_warning: make_message_box( parent=self, message='Looks like you imported a non-HWI Run. For now optimization screening and plate view is disabled.' ).exec_() self._shown_unrecognized_run_warning = True if not hasattr(selected_run, 'save_file_path'): backup = self._check_for_existing_backup(selected_run) if backup and os.path.isfile(str(backup)): choice = make_message_box( parent=self, message='Found backed up classifications for this run.\ Would you like to use them?', buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No ).exec_() if choice == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: reader = MsoReader(backup) classified_images = reader.classify_images_from_mso_file( images=selected_run.images ) if isinstance(classified_images, list): selected_run.images = classified_images message = 'Loaded classifications from backup.' else: message='Failed to load classifications.' make_message_box( parent=self, message=message ).exec_() self.opening_run.emit([selected_run]) self._has_been_opened.add(selected_run.run_name) else: logger.error('Could not open {}'.format(selected_run))
[docs] def _open_classification_thread(self, run): '''Private method to create and run a classification thread which will run the MARCO model on all images in the run passed to `run` argument. Does not actually start the classification thread, just stores the newly created classification thread in `classification_thread` attribute. :param run: Run or HWIRun instance to run MARCO on :type run: Run or HWIRun ''' logger.debug('Opening classification thread for {}'.format(run)) self.ui.pushButton.setEnabled(False) self.ui.progressBar.setMaximum(len(run)) self.ui.progressBar.setValue(1) # reset the bar to 0 self.classification_thread = ClassificationThread(run) self.classification_thread.change_value.connect( self._set_progress_value) self.classification_thread.estimated_time.connect( self._set_estimated_classification_time) self.classification_thread.finished.connect(self._classification_cleanup) self.ui.runTree.setEnabled(False) self.ui.runTree.add_classified_run(run) return self.classification_thread
# add return classification thread for easier access
[docs] def _classification_cleanup(self): '''"Cleanup" the UI after a classification thread has completed. ''' self.ui.runTree.setEnabled(True) logger.debug('Closed classification thread: {}'.format( self.classification_thread )) if self.classification_thread.exceptions: make_message_box( parent=self, message='Polo encountered an error while classifying your images {}'.format( self.classification_thread.exceptions ) ).exec_() self.ui.pushButton.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def _classify_multiple_runs(self, runs): '''Run the MARCO model on a list of runs. Recursively creates :class:`ClassificationThreads` for each :class:`Run` until all :class:`Run` instances have been classified. :param runs: List of :class:`Run` instance to classify using MARCO :type runs: list ''' if runs: def recursive_classification_spawner(): try: if runs: current_run = runs.pop() self._open_classification_thread(current_run) self.classification_thread.finished.connect( recursive_classification_spawner) self.classification_thread.start() else: make_message_box( parent=self, message='Completed all classifications' ).exec_() except Exception as e: self.ui.runTree.setEnabled(True) logger.error('Caught {} at {}'.format( e, self._classify_multiple_runs)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Classification failed {}'.format(e) ).exec_() recursive_classification_spawner()
[docs] def refresh_run_after_update(self, run): if run: run = run.pop() display_name = {v:k for k, v in self.ui.runTree.formated_name_to_name.items()}[run.run_name] self.ui.runTree.remove_run(display_name) self.ui.runTree.add_run_to_tree(run)
[docs] def _set_progress_value(self, val): '''Private helper method to increment the classification progress bar. :param val: Value to set progress bar to :type val: int ''' self.ui.progressBar.setValue(val)
[docs] def _set_estimated_classification_time(self, time, num_images_remain): '''Display the estimated classification time to the user. Time remaining is calculated by multiplying the time it took to classify a representative image by the number of images that remain to be classified. :param time: Time to classify latest image :type time: int :param num_images_remain: Number of images that still require classification :type num_images_remain: int ''' time = time*num_images_remain if time >= 60: time_string = '{} mins'.format(round(time/60, 2)) else: time_string = '{} secs'.format(round(time)) self.ui.label_32.setText(time_string)
[docs] def _add_runs_to_tree(self, runs): '''Private method to add a set of runs to the runTree. :param runs: List of runs to add to the runTree :type runs: list ''' sample_names = set([]) for run in runs: self.ui.runTree.add_run_to_tree(run) sample_names.add( self.ui.runTree.loaded_runs[run.run_name].sampleName) if hasattr(run, 'save_file_path') and os.path.exists(str(run.save_file_path)): self.recent_files = run.save_file_path # imported from an xtal file else: self.recent_files = run.image_dir # pulling run from runTree ensures it has a sample name if it # was added to the tree # link the runs together by sample for sample in sample_names: self.ui.runTree.link_sample(sample)
[docs] def _import_runs(self, file_paths): '''Import :class:`Run` objects from a list of file and directory paths. Runs that are imported successfully will be added to the sample browser. :param file_paths: List of paths to files and directories to be imported as runs :type file_paths: list ''' if file_paths: try: self.setEnabled(False) file_path = file_paths.pop() importer = RunImporter(file_path) self.import_thread = importer.create_import_thread() def finished_import_thread(file_path): result = self.import_thread.result if isinstance(result, (str, Path)) and Path(result).is_dir(): for run_type in RUN_TYPES: try: result = run_type.init_from_directory(result) result.add_images_from_dir() break except Exception as e: continue if isinstance(result, Run): self._add_runs_to_tree([result]) self.import_thread = None while not self.import_thread and file_paths: file_path = file_paths.pop() importer = RunImporter(file_path) self.import_thread = importer.create_import_thread() if self.import_thread: self.import_thread.finished.connect( lambda: finished_import_thread(file_path)) self.import_thread.start() else: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.setEnabled(True) if self.import_thread: self.import_thread.finished.connect( lambda: finished_import_thread(file_path)) self.import_thread.start() else: make_message_box( parent=self, message='Could not import {}'.format(file_path) ).exec_() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.setEnabled(True) except Exception as e: self.setEnabled(True) logger.error('Caught {} at {}'.format(e, self._import_runs)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Import failed {}'.format(e) ).exec_()
[docs] def _check_for_existing_backup(self, run): '''Check the directory specified by the `BACKUP_DIR` constant for a backup mso file that matches the run passed through the `run` argument. Run's are matched to mso backups by their run name so it the user has renamed their run after the backup is saved it will not be found. See :meth:`~polo.widgets.run_organizer.RunOrganizer.backup_classifications` for details on how the mso files are written. :param run: Run to search for mso backup with :type run: HWIRun :return: Path to mso backup if one exists that matches the `run`, else return None :rtype: str or None ''' backups = list_dir_abs(str(BACKUP_DIR)) if backups: for each_backup in backups: if run.run_name in Path(each_backup).name: return each_backup return None
[docs] def remove_run(self): if (self.ui.runTree.currentItem() and self.ui.runTree.currentItem().text(0) in self.ui.runTree.formated_name_to_name): self.ui.runTree.remove_run(self.ui.runTree.currentItem().text(0))
[docs] def backup_classifications_on_thread(self, run): '''Does the exact same thing as :meth:`~polo.widgets.run_organizer.RunOrganizer.backup_classifications` except excutes the job on a `QuickThread` instance to avoid slow computers complaining about the GUI being frozen. This has been especially prevelant on Windows machines. :param run: Run to save as mso file :type run: HWIRun ''' write_path = BACKUP_DIR.joinpath(run.run_name) def finished_backup(): if self.backup_thread.result == False: make_message_box( parent=self, message='Failed to backup {} human classifications to mso file.'.format(run.run_name) ).exec_() writer = MsoWriter(run, write_path) self.backup_thread = QuickThread(self.backup_classifications) self.backup_thread.finished.connect(finished_backup)
[docs] def backup_classifications(self, run): '''Write the human classifications of the images in the `run` argument to an mso file and store it in the directory specified by the :const:`BACKUP_DIR` constant. Does not store MARCO classifications because these can be much more easily recreated than human classifications. Additionally, when a run is loaded back in and a backup mso exists for it Polo assumes the classifications in that mso file are human classifications. Currently only :class:`HWIRun` instances can be written as mso files because of mso's integration with cocktail data and well assignments. Need a different format for non-HWI runs that would map filenames to classifications and ignore cocktail data / well assignments. :param run: :class:`HWIRun` to backup human classifications :type run: HWIRun ''' write_path = BACKUP_DIR.joinpath(run.run_name) writer = MsoWriter(run, write_path) writer.write_mso_file(use_marco_classifications=False)
[docs] def import_saved_runs(self, xtal_files=[]): '''Import runs saved to xtal files. :param xtal_files: List of xtal files to import runs from, defaults to [] :type xtal_files: list, optional ''' if not xtal_files: xtal_dialog = RunImporter.make_xtal_file_dialog(parent=self) xtal_dialog.exec_() xtal_files = xtal_dialog.selectedFiles() if xtal_files: # returned as a list self._import_runs(xtal_files)
[docs] def import_run_from_dialog(self): '''Import a run from a file dialog. ''' run_importer_dialog = RunImporterDialog( current_run_names=self.ui.runTree.current_run_names, parent=self) run_importer_dialog.exec_() self._add_runs_to_tree(run_importer_dialog.import_candidates.values())'Added {} runs from file dialog'.format( run_importer_dialog.import_candidates.values() ))
# for run_name, run in run_importer_dialog.imported_runs.items(): # self._add_run_to_tree(run)
[docs] def import_run_from_ftp(self): '''Import runs from an FTP server. If an FTP download thread is not already running creates an FTPDialog instances and opens it to the user. FTP functions are then taken over by the FTPDialog until it is closed. ''' if not test_for_working_unrar() and not self.shown_unrar_message: msg = make_message_box( message='No working unrar installation found. If you download files via FTP you will have to unrar and import them manually', parent=self) self.shown_unrar_message = True msg.exec_() if hasattr(self, 'ftp_download_thread') and self.ftp_download_thread.isRunning(): # handle if download is already in progress msg = make_message_box( message='FTP download already in progress. {} of {} files downloaded.'.format( self.ftp_download_counter[0], self.ftp_download_counter[1] ), parent=self ) msg.exec_() return ftp_browser = FTPDialog(parent=self) ftp_browser.exec_() if ftp_browser.ftp and ftp_browser.download_files and ftp_browser.save_dir: self.ftp_download_thread = FTPDownloadThread( ftp_browser.ftp, ftp_browser.download_files, ftp_browser.save_dir ) self.ftp_download_thread.download_path.connect( self._handle_ftp_download) self.ftp_download_thread.finished.connect( self._finished_ftp_download ) self.ftp_download_status.emit(True) self.ftp_download_counter[1] = len(ftp_browser.download_files) self.ftp_download_thread.start()
[docs] def _handle_ftp_download(self, file_path): '''Private method that handles when an individual file in the FTP download queue has finished downloading. Attempts to import the run by calling :meth:`import_runs` and then increments the FTP download counter by one. :param file_path: Path to file that was just downloaded :type file_path: str or Path ''' self._import_runs([file_path]) self.ftp_download_counter[0] += 1
[docs] def _finished_ftp_download(self): '''Private method that cleans up after all queued FTP downloads have been completed and shows a message box to the user to inform them of the status of their downloads. ''' self.ftp_download_status.emit(False) self.ftp_download_counter = [0, 0] # reset the counter if self.ftp_download_thread.exceptions: message = 'Failed to download all files from FTP server {}'.format( self.ftp_download_thread.exceptions) else: message = 'All FTP downloads completed!' make_message_box( message=message, parent=self ).exec_()