Source code for polo.widgets.run_tree

import ftplib
import os
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
from datetime import datetime

from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QGridLayout
from polo.utils.dialog_utils import make_message_box
from polo.utils.io_utils import RunDeserializer, RunLinker, MsoReader, make_default_logger
from import HWIRun, Run
from polo.threads.thread import ClassificationThread
from import RunUpdaterDialog

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class RunTreeItem(QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem): def __init__(self, date, parent): = date # datetime super(RunTreeItem, self).__init__(parent) def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(, datetime): if < return -1 elif == return 0 else: return 1 else: return -1 # just assume less than
[docs]class RunTree(QtWidgets.QTreeWidget): '''Inherits the :class:`QTreeWidget` class and acts as the sample and run display. The User uses the RunTree to open and classify runs they load into Polo. :param parent: Parent widget, defaults to None :type parent: QWidget, optional :param auto_link: If True automatically link runs together, defaults to True :type auto_link: bool, optional ''' opening_run = pyqtSignal() save_run_signal = pyqtSignal() remove_run_signal = pyqtSignal(list) dropped_links_signal = pyqtSignal(list) classify_sample_signal = pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, parent=None, auto_link=True): self.classified_status = {} self.loaded_runs = {} self.formated_name_to_name = {} self.samples = [] self.auto_link = auto_link super(RunTree, self).__init__(parent) self.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn) self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.setSortingEnabled(True) logger.debug('Created {}'.format(self)) @property def current_run_names(self): '''List of all currently loaded :class:`Run` names. :return: List of :class:Run` names :rtype: list ''' return list(self.loaded_runs.keys()) @property def selected_run(self): '''The: class:`Run` that is currently selected. If no :class:`Run` is selected returns False. :return: The currently selected run, if one exists, otherwise returns False :rtype: Run, HWIRun or False ''' if self.currentItem() and self.currentItem().text(0) in self.formated_name_to_name: return self.loaded_runs[self.formated_name_to_name[self.currentItem().text(0)]] else: return False
[docs] def _open_run_slot(self, event=None): '''Private method that emits the :attr:`opening_run` signal when called. This signal can be connected to other widgets to communicate that the user has selected a run and wants to open it for analysis. :param event: QEvent, defaults to None :type event: QEvent, optional ''' self.opening_run.emit()
[docs] def _edit_data_slot(self, event=None): '''Private method used to update the data in a :class:`Run` after it has been modified by the user through the :class:`RunUpdater` dialog. :param event: QEvent, defaults to None :type event: QEvent, optional ''' current_selection = self.selected_run if current_selection: updater = RunUpdaterDialog( run=current_selection, run_names=self.current_run_names) updater.exec_() # if != run_name: # # need to change the run name in the viewer # print(type(run)) # run_node = self._get_run_node(run) # if run_node: # run_node.setText(0, self.loaded_runs[run_name] =
[docs] def _display_name_setter(self, run): '''Private method that creates a display name for a run that also avoids collisions with existing display names. Currently the process of translating a display name to a :class:`Run` object involves first looking up the display name in the :attr:`formated_name_to_name` dictionary to get the run name and then looking up the run name in the :attr:`loaded_runs` dictionary to get the :class:`Run` object. This means that currently run names and display names need to be unique to avoid collisions. :param run: Run to create a display name for :type run: Run or HWIRun ''' if run.formated_name in self.formated_name_to_name: # collision def avoid_collision(formated_name, i): incremented_name = '{}-{}'.format(formated_name, i) if incremented_name in self.formated_name_to_name: avoid_collision(formated_name, i+1) else: return incremented_name return avoid_collision(run.formated_name, 0) else: return run.formated_name
[docs] def _add_run_node(self, run, tree=None): '''Private method that adds a new run node. :param run: Run to add to the tree :type run: Run or HWIRun :param tree: `QTreeWidgetItem` to act as parent node, defaults to None. If None uses the root as the parent node. :type tree: QTreeWidgetItem, optional :return: Node added to the tree :rtype: QTreeWidgetItem ''' if not tree: tree = self if run.run_name in self.loaded_runs: # already got one mate return else: new_node = RunTreeItem(, tree) formated_name = self._display_name_setter(run) new_node.setText(0, formated_name) new_node.setToolTip(0, run.get_tooltip()) self.loaded_runs[run.run_name] = run self.formated_name_to_name[formated_name] = run.run_name logger.debug('Added new run: {}'.format(run)) return new_node
[docs] def _get_run_node(self, run): '''Private helper method that returns the :class:`QTreeWidgetItem` corresponding to a given :class:`Run`. Returns None if a node cannot be found. :param run: Run to search for :type run: Run or HWIRun :return: Given run's corresponding :class:`QTreeWidgetItem` if it exists :rtype: QTreeWidgetItem ''' run_name = run.run_name # sample_name = run.sampleName parent_node = self.findItems( run.sampleName, Qt.MatchExactly, column=0).pop(0) for i in range(parent_node.childCount()): child_node = parent_node.child(i) if child_node.text(0) == run_name: return child_node
[docs] def _add_classifications_from_mso_slot(self, event=None): '''Add classifications to an existing :class:`Run` from the contents of an MSO file. Intended to be connected to the `classify_from_mso` QAction that is defined in the : :meth:`~polo.widgets.run_tree.RunTree.contextMenuEvent` method. :param event: QEvent, defaults to None :type event: QEvent, optional ''' if self.selected_run: mso_browser = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'MSO Hunter', filter='mso files (*.mso)') if mso_browser and len(mso_browser) > 0: mso_file = mso_browser[0] reader = MsoReader(mso_file) result = reader.classify_images_from_mso_file( self.selected_run.images) if isinstance(result, list): self.selected_run.images = result message = 'Added MSO classifications from {}'.format( mso_file ) else: message = 'Failed to add MSO classifications from {}. Failed with error {}'.format( mso_file, result ) make_message_box(parent=self, message=message).exec_()
[docs] def _remove_run_slot(self, event=None): '''Slot to connect to contextMenu popup to remove the selected run. ''' if self.currentItem(): display_name = self.currentItem().text(0) self.remove_run(display_name)
[docs] def remove_run(self, display_name): '''Private method to remove a :class:`Run` completely from the Polo interface. :param display_name: Display name being shown to the user to represent the run to be removed. :type run_name: str ''' try: condemned_run = self.loaded_runs[self.formated_name_to_name[display_name]] self.remove_run_from_view(display_name, condemned_run.sampleName) self.formated_name_to_name.pop(display_name) # remove display name self.loaded_runs.pop(condemned_run.run_name) # remove from loaded runs self.link_sample(condemned_run.sampleName) # relink all the runs in the sample # remove links to condemned run if an alt spectrum for run in self.loaded_runs: if (self.loaded_runs[run].alt_spectrum and self.loaded_runs[run].alt_spectrum.run_name == condemned_run.run_name ): self.loaded_runs[run].alt_spectrum = None self.remove_run_signal.emit([None]) logger.debug('Removed run {}'.format(condemned_run)) except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} at {}'.format(e, self.remove_run)) make_message_box(parent=self, message='Could not remove run {}'.format(e) ).exec_()
[docs] def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def dragMoveEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() else: event.ignore()
[docs] def dropEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): event.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) event.accept() paths = [] for url in event.mimeData().urls(): paths.append(Path(str(url.toLocalFile()))) self.dropped_links_signal.emit(paths)'Dropped {} file paths'.format(len(paths))) else: event.ignore()
[docs] def remove_run_from_view(self, display_name, sample_name): '''Remove a :class:`Run` instance using its :attr:`run_name` attribute. Does not effect any other widgets. Calling this method only removes the :class:`Run` instance from the display. If a :class:`Run` instance is removed from successfully it is returned. TODO UPDATE :param run_name: Name of run to remove :type run_name: str :return: Removed run :rtype: Run or HWIRun ''' parent_node = self.findItems(sample_name, Qt.MatchExactly, column=0) if parent_node: parent_node = parent_node.pop() for i in range(parent_node.childCount()): # find run node if parent_node.child(i) and parent_node.child(i).text(0) == display_name: parent_node.removeChild(parent_node.child(i)) if parent_node.childCount() == 0: # no runs left for this sample so remove it for i in range(self.invisibleRootItem().childCount()): if (self.invisibleRootItem().child(i) and self.invisibleRootItem().child(i).text(0) == sample_name ): self.invisibleRootItem().removeChild( self.invisibleRootItem().child(i))
[docs] def add_classified_run(self, run): '''Marks a :class:`Run` instance as classified by adding it to the :attr:`classified_status` dictionary. :param run: Run to mark as classified :type run: Run or HWIRun ''' if isinstance(run, str) and run in self.loaded_runs: self.classified_status[run] = True
[docs] def add_sample(self, sample_name, *args): '''Adds a new sample to the tree. Samples are the highest level node in the `RunTree`. :param sample_name: Name of sample to add, acts as key so should be unique. :type sample_name: str ''' parent_item = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self) parent_item.setText(0, sample_name) self.samples.append(sample_name) for run in args: if isinstance(run, (Run, HWIRun)): self._add_run_node(run, parent_item) logger.debug('Added sample: {}'.format(sample_name))
[docs] def add_run_to_tree(self, new_run): '''Add a new :class:`Run` instance to the tree. Uses the :class:`Run` instance's :attr:`sampleName` attribute to determine what sample node the :class:`Run` instance should be added to. If the sample name does not exist in the tree a new sample node is added. If the :class:`Run` instance lacks the :attr:`sampleName` attribute as is the case for non-HWIRuns the :attr:`sampleName` attribute is set to "Non-HWI Runs". If the :class:`Run` instance is an :class:`HWIRun` and lacks the :attr:`sampleName` attribute :attr:`sampleName` is set to "Sampleless Runs". :param new_run: Run to add to the tree :type new_run: Run or HWIRun ''' if new_run.run_name not in self.loaded_runs: if isinstance(new_run, HWIRun): if hasattr(new_run, 'sampleName'): sample_node = self.findItems( new_run.sampleName, Qt.MatchExactly, column=0) if sample_node: sample_node = sample_node.pop() # returned as a list self._add_run_node(new_run, sample_node) else: self.add_sample(new_run.sampleName, new_run) else: orphan_runs = self.findItems( 'Sampleless Runs', Qt.MatchExactly, column=0) if orphan_runs: orphan_runs = orphan_runs.pop() else: orphan_runs = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self) orphan_runs.setText(0, 'Sampleless Runs') new_run.sampleName = 'Sampleless Runs' self._add_run_node(new_run, orphan_runs) elif isinstance(new_run, Run): non_hwi_runs = self.findItems( 'Non-HWI Runs', Qt.MatchExactly, column=0) if non_hwi_runs: non_hwi_runs = non_hwi_runs.pop() else: non_hwi_runs = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self) non_hwi_runs.setText(0, 'Non-HWI Runs') new_run.sampleName = 'Non-HWI Runs' self._add_run_node(new_run, non_hwi_runs)
[docs] def _classify_all_runs_slot(self, sample_name): '''Classify all the unclassified runs belonging to a the selected sample. ''' runs_to_classify = [run for run_name, run in self.loaded_runs.items() if (hasattr(run, 'sampleName') and run_name not in self.classified_status and run.image_spectrum == IMAGE_SPECS[0] ) ] self.classify_sample_signal.emit(runs_to_classify)
[docs] def contextMenuEvent(self, event): '''Handle left click events by creating a popup context menu. :param event: QEvent :type event: QEvent ''' current_run = self.selected_run = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) if current_run: # edit_data_action = QtWidgets.QAction('Edit Run Data', self) # edit_data_action.triggered.connect(lambda: self._edit_data_slot(event)) remove_run_action = QtWidgets.QAction('Remove Run', self) remove_run_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._remove_run_slot(event)) open_run_action = QtWidgets.QAction('Open Run', self) open_run_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._open_run_slot(event)) classify_from_mso = QtWidgets.QAction( 'Add MSO classifications', self) classify_from_mso.triggered.connect( lambda: self._add_classifications_from_mso_slot(event)) else: # check if left clicked on a sample if self.currentItem().text(0) in self.samples: classify_all_runs_action = QtWidgets.QAction('Classify All Runs', self) classify_all_runs_action.triggered.connect( lambda: self._classify_all_runs_slot(self.currentItem().text(0)) )