Source code for polo.widgets.table_viewer

import math

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

from polo.crystallography.cocktail import UnitValue
from polo.crystallography.image import Image
from import HWIRun, Run
from polo.utils.io_utils import RunCsvWriter, write_screen_html
from polo import make_default_logger

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class TableViewer(QtWidgets.QTableWidget): '''TableViewer instances override QTableWidget and provide a more convenient interface for translating the data in `Run` and `HWIRun` objects into a table format. :param parent: Parent widget :type parent: QtWidget :param run: Run to show in this table view, defaults to None :type run: Run, optional ''' def __init__(self, parent, run=None): super(TableViewer, self).__init__(parent) = run self.selected_headers = None @property def run(self): '''Return the run object :return: Run object :rtype: Run ''' return self.__run @run.setter def run(self, new_run): '''Setter function for run attribute . :param new_run: New run to set as run attribute :type new_run: Run ''' self.__run = new_run @property def table_data(self): '''Property to retrieve the current table fieldnames and table data using `get_csv_data` function of the `RunCsvWriter` class. :return: fieldnames, table data :rtype: tuple ''' if try: return RunCsvWriter( except Exception as e : logger.error('Caught {} at trying to get table'.format(e)) return [], {} # empty list and dict need to handle better # down the line @property def fieldnames(self): '''Return the fieldnames for the current run. Should only be used when setting the values for the listWidget in a `tableInspector` instance as is expensive to call. :return: list of fieldnames :rtype: list ''' if # expensive avoid using return self.table_data[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def filter(row, image_classes, human, marco): '''Helper method to determine if a row should be included based on the image filters the user has selected :param row: row data :type row: dict :param image_classes: types of images to include, i.e Crystals, Clear :type image_classes: set or list :param human: If image_classes should be in reference to human classifier :type human: Bool :param marco: If image_classes should be in reference to machine classifier :type marco: Bool :return: If image should be filtered, False means do not filter image :rtype: Bool ''' if not image_classes: image_classes = IMAGE_CLASSIFICATIONS # BUG / TODO # Properties of image class are being shown with underscores when read # from the class __dict__ temp fix for now is to just set the key to # include the __ and class name but need more robust less jank way # to do this for any given attribute human_key = '_human_class' if human_key not in row: human_key = 'human_class' machine_key = 'machine_class' if machine_key not in row: machine_key = '_machine_class' if human and row[human_key] in image_classes: return False if marco and row[machine_key] in image_classes: return False return True
[docs] def _make_header_map(self, headers): '''Private method to map header keywords to their index (order). This method is required as headers are delivered as a set and we want them to be presented in a consistent order to the user. :param headers: Set of headers strings :type headers: set :return: Dictionary of header strings mapped to indices :rtype: dict ''' return {h: i for i, h in enumerate(sorted(self.selected_headers))}
[docs] def populate_table(self, image_classes, human, marco): '''Populates the table and displays data to the user based on their header and image filtering selections. :param image_classes: types of images to include, i.e Crystals, Clear :type image_classes: set or list :param human: If image_classes should be in reference to human classifier :type human: Bool :param marco: If image_classes should be in reference to machine classifier :type marco: Bool :return: If image should be filtered, False means do not filter image ''' if self.clear() headers, data = self.table_data header_map = self._make_header_map(headers) header_labels = sorted( [h for h in header_map.keys()], key=lambda k: header_map[k]) self.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header_labels) table_data, row_count = {}, 0 for row in data: # dictionary if TableViewer.filter(row, image_classes, human, marco): continue for col_name, col_value in row.items(): if col_name in header_map: col_index = header_map[col_name] table_data[(row_count, col_index)] = col_value row_count += 1 self.setColumnCount(len(header_map)) self.setRowCount(row_count) for k, v in table_data.items(): r, c = k self.setItem(r, c, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(v)) self.repaint()