Source code for

import ftplib
import os
from pathlib import Path

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, uic
from PyQt5.QtCore import QPoint, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QBrush, QColor, QIcon, QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QGridLayout

from polo import ICON_DICT, make_default_logger
from polo.designer.UI_FTP_Dialog import Ui_FTPDialog
from polo.threads.thread import FTPDownloadThread, QuickThread
from polo.utils.dialog_utils import make_message_box
from polo.utils.ftp_utils import logon

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class FTPDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): '''FTPDialog class acts as the interface for interacting with a remote FTP server. Allows for browsing and downloading files stored on the server. :param ftp_connection: Existing FTP connection, defaults to None :type ftp_connection: FTP, optional :param parent: Parent widget, defaults to None :type parent: QWidget, optional ''' DOWNLOAD_ICON = str(ICON_DICT['download']) CONNECTED_ICON = str(ICON_DICT['connected']) DISCONNECTED_ICON = str(ICON_DICT['disconnected']) def __init__(self, ftp_connection=None, parent=None): super(FTPDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_FTPDialog() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.ui.lineEdit_2.setEchoMode(QtWidgets.QLineEdit.Password) self.ui.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.download_selected_files) self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.connect_ftp) self.ui.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.close) self.ftp = ftp_connection self._connected = False self.download_files = None self.save_dir = None self.home_dir = None self.ui.pushButton_2.setIcon(QIcon(self.DOWNLOAD_ICON)) self.ui.pushButton_2.setEnabled(False) # disable download until connected logger.debug('Created {}'.format(self)) @property def host(self): '''Get user entered FTP host. :return: host address :rtype: str ''' return self.ui.lineEdit_3.text() @property def password(self): '''Return user entered password. :return: password :rtype: str ''' return self.ui.lineEdit_2.text() @property def username(self): '''Return username. :return: username :rtype: str ''' return self.ui.lineEdit.text() @property def connected(self): return self._connected @connected.setter def connected(self, status): self._connected = status if status == True: self.ui.label_3.setText('Connected') else: self.ui.label_3.setText('Disconnected') self.ui.pushButton_2.setEnabled(status)
[docs] def connect_ftp(self): '''Attempt to establish a connection to an ftp server. If the connection is successful then recursively walk through the user's home directory and display available directories and files via the `fileBrowser` widget. If the user has an extremely large number of files this can take a while. If the connection fails show the user the error code thrown by ftplib. ''' if and self.username: self.ui.fileBrowser.clear() QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) logon_thread = QuickThread( logon,, username=self.username, password=self.password) message = make_message_box( 'Attempting to connect to host', parent=self) def fin_connection_attempt(): self.ftp = logon_thread.result if isinstance(self.ftp, ftplib.FTP): try: # connection attempt was good self.home_dir = self.ftp.pwd() self.ui.fileBrowser.grow_tree_using_mlsd( self.ftp, self.home_dir) # probably want to list files on new thread # TODO QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() message.close() logger.debug('Connected to FTP server') self.connected = True make_message_box( message='Connected to {}! They say {}'.format(, self.ftp.getwelcome()), parent=self ).exec_() message.close() self.setEnabled(True) except Exception as e: message.close() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.setEnabled(True) make_message_box( message='After connecting to {}. This error occured {}'.format(, e), parent=self ).exec_() self.connected = False else: # did not connect in the first place message.close() self.setEnabled(True) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() m = make_message_box(message='Connection Failed: {}'.format( self.ftp), buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, parent=self) logger.debug('FTP connection failed with code {}'.format( self.ftp )) self.connected = False m.exec_() logon_thread.finished.connect(fin_connection_attempt) logon_thread.start() self.setEnabled(False) message.exec_() else: self.setEnabled(True) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() make_message_box( message='Please enter a host and username to connect to', parent=self ).exec_()
[docs] def set_connection_status(self, connected=False): '''Change the Qlabel that displays the current connection status to the user. :param connected: If FTP connection is successful, defaults to False :type connected: bool, optional ''' if connected: self.ui.label_3.setText('Connected') else: self.ui.label_3.setText('Disconnected')
[docs] def download_selected_files(self): '''Opens a file dialog for the user to select a location to download remote files to. All files / directories that are currently selected in the `FTPDialog` will then be appended to `download_files` attribute, marking them for download. A message box informing the user that files are downloading is shown and then the FTPDialog closes. At this point the method that originally created the `FTPDialog` instance should realize the dialog is closed and check for an open FTP connection and the presence of files in the `download_file` attribute (indicating the user had selecting files for downloading). An `FTPDownloadThread` instance can then be created to download files in the background without interrupting other Polo interfaces. ''' file_dlg = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() file_dlg.setFileMode(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Directory) file_dlg.exec_() filenames = file_dlg.selectedFiles() if filenames: self.save_dir = filenames[0] self.download_files = self.ui.fileBrowser.get_checked_files( self.home_dir) # This string is really long because adding \ makes it look weird # as a dialog. message = 'Your files are being downloaded to {} in the background. Polo will notify you when the download is completed. This window will now close.'.format( self.save_dir) start_box = make_message_box( message, buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok, parent=self) start_box.exec_() logger.debug('Attempting to download over FTP to {}'.format( self.save_dir)) self.close()