Source code for

from polo.designer.UI_image_pop_dialog import Ui_Dialog
from polo import make_default_logger, IMAGE_CLASSIFICATIONS
import os

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, uic
from PyQt5.QtCore import QPoint, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QBrush, QColor, QIcon, QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QGridLayout
from polo.widgets.slideshow_viewer import PhotoViewer
from polo.crystallography.image import Image

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class ImagePopDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): '''Pop up that displays a selected image in a larger view. Intended to be used with the `PlateViewer` widget when a user selects an image from the grid. :param image: Image to show :type image: Image ''' def __init__(self, image, parent=None): super(ImagePopDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_Dialog() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.ui.pushButton_2.clicked.connect( lambda: self.classify_image(crystals=True)) self.ui.pushButton_3.clicked.connect( lambda: self.classify_image(precipitate=True)) self.ui.pushButton_5.clicked.connect( lambda: self.classify_image(clear=True)) self.ui.pushButton_4.clicked.connect( lambda: self.classify_image(other=True)) self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect( lambda: self.show_alt_image(next_date=True)) self.ui.pushButton_6.clicked.connect( lambda: self.show_alt_image(prev_date=True)) self.ui.pushButton_7.clicked.connect( lambda: self.show_alt_image(alt=True)) self.image = image #self._set_allowed_navigation_functions() self.ui.radioButton.toggled.connect( self._change_favorite_status ) logger.debug('Created {}'.format(self)) # must set image before any other widget population @property def image(self): '''The :class:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image` being displayed. :return: The :class:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image` instance to be displayed :rtype: Image ''' return self._image @image.setter def image(self, new_image): self._image = new_image self.show_image()
[docs] def show(self): '''Shows the dialog window. ''' super(ImagePopDialog, self).show() self.show_image()
[docs] def _set_groupbox_title(self): '''Private method that set the the title of main groupbox to the basename of the :attr:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image.path` attribute of the :class:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image` instance referenced by the :attr:`` attribute. ''' if self.image: self.ui.groupBox.setTitle(os.path.basename(str(self.image.path)))
[docs] def _set_cocktail_details(self): '''Private method that shows the :attr:`` attribute metadata in the text display widgets. ''' if self.image and self.image.cocktail: self.ui.textBrowser.setText(str(self.image.cocktail))
[docs] def _change_favorite_status(self): '''Private method that updates the favorite status of the current :attr:`` attribute to the state of the favorite :class:`QRadioButton`. ''' if self.image: self.image.favorite = self.ui.radioButton.isChecked()
[docs] def _set_image_details(self): '''Private method that displays the :class:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image` instance referenced by the :attr:`` attribute. ''' if self.image: self.ui.textBrowser_2.setText(str(self.image))
[docs] def show_image(self): '''Show the :class:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image` instance referenced by the :attr:`` attribute. ''' if self.image: self.ui.photoViewer.scene.clear() if self.image.isNull(): self.image.setPixmap() self.ui.photoViewer.add_pixmap(self.image) self.ui.photoViewer.fitInView() self._set_groupbox_title() self._set_cocktail_details() self._set_image_details() self._set_allowed_navigation_functions() else: logger.warning('Attempted to show object of type {}'.format( type(self.image) ))
[docs] def classify_image(self, crystals=False, clear=False, precipitate=False, other=False): '''Set the human classification of the :class:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image` instances referenced by the :attr:`` attribute. :param crystals: If True, classify the `image` as crystal, default False :type crystals: bool, optional :param clear: If True, classify the `image` as clear, defaults to False :type clear: bool, optional :param precipitate: If True, classify the `image` as precipitate, defaults to False :type precipitate: bool, optional :param other: If True, classify as the `image` as other, defaults to False :type other: bool, optional ''' if crystals: self.image.human_class = IMAGE_CLASSIFICATIONS[0] elif clear: self.image.human_class = IMAGE_CLASSIFICATIONS[1] elif precipitate: self.image.human_class = IMAGE_CLASSIFICATIONS[2] elif other: self.image.human_class = IMAGE_CLASSIFICATIONS[3] self.close()
[docs] def show_alt_image(self, next_date=False, prev_date=False, alt=False): '''Show a linked image based on boolean flags. :param next_date: If True, set :attr:`` attribute to next the available imaging date, defaults to False :type next_date: bool, optional :param prev_date: If True, set :attr:`` attribute to previous imaging date, defaults to False :type prev_date: bool, optional :param alt: If True, set :attr:`` attribute to an alt spectrum image, defaults to False :type alt: bool, optional ''' if next_date and self.image.next_image: self.image = self.image.next_image elif prev_date and self.image.previous_image: self.image = self.image.previous_image elif alt and self.image.alt_image: self.image = self.image.alt_image
[docs] def _set_allowed_navigation_functions(self): '''Private method to enable or disable navigation by date or spectrum buttons based on the content of the current image. Tests the :class:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image` instance referenced by the :attr:`` attribute to determine if it is linked to a future date, previous date or alt spectrum image through it's :attr:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image.next_image` , :attr:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image.next_image.previous_image` and :attr:`~polo.crystallography.image.Image.next_image.alt_image` attributes respectively. If an attribute == None, then the button that requires that attribute will be disabled. ''' if self.image.next_image: self.ui.pushButton.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.pushButton.setEnabled(False) if self.image.previous_image: self.ui.pushButton_6.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.pushButton_6.setEnabled(False) if self.image.alt_image: self.ui.pushButton_7.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.pushButton_7.setEnabled(False)