Source code for

import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import time
import webbrowser
from pathlib import Path

import requests
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import \
    NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, uic
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QPixmap, QPixmapCache
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QApplication, QGridLayout

from polo import *
from import HWIRun, Run
from polo.designer.UI_main_window import Ui_MainWindow
from polo.plots.plots import MplCanvas, MplWidget, StaticCanvas
from polo.utils.dialog_utils import make_message_box
from polo.utils.io_utils import *
from polo.utils.math_utils import best_aspect_ratio, get_cell_image_dims
from polo.widgets.plate_viewer import plateViewer
from polo.widgets.slideshow_viewer import SlideshowViewer
from import ImagePopDialog
from import LogDialog
from import PptxDesignerDialog
from import RunUpdaterDialog
from import SpectrumDialog
from import TimeResDialog
from import CiteDialog

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): '''QMainWindow that ultimately is the parent of all other included widgets. ''' BAR_COLORS = [Qt.darkBlue, Qt.darkRed, Qt.darkGreen, Qt.darkGray] # cocktails sorted from earliest to latest (most recent last) def __init__(self): QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.current_run = None self.runOrganizer.opening_run.connect(self._handle_opening_run) # menu connections self.menuImport.triggered[QAction].connect(self._handle_image_import) self.menuExport.triggered[QAction].connect(self._handle_export) self.menuHelp.triggered[QAction].connect(self._handle_help_menu) self.menuFile.triggered[QAction].connect(self._handle_file_menu) self.actionReport_An_Issue.triggered.connect( lambda: ) self.menuTools.triggered[QAction].connect(self._handle_tool_menu) self.menuRecent.triggered[QAction].connect(self._handle_recent_import) self.menuCite.triggered[QAction].connect(self._handle_citation_menu) # change tab updates control self.run_interface.currentChanged.connect(self._on_changed_tab) # plot viewer connections self.plot_viewer_layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.groupBox_4) self.matplotlib_widget = StaticCanvas(parent=self.groupBox_4) self.plot_viewer_layout.addWidget(self.matplotlib_widget) self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar( canvas=self.matplotlib_widget, parent=self.groupBox_4) self.plot_viewer_layout.addWidget(self.toolbar) self.listWidget_3.currentTextChanged.connect( self._handle_plot_selection) self._set_tab_icons() self._check_for_new_version() self._read_recent_imports() logger.debug('Created {}'.format(self))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_widget_dims(self, widget): '''Returns the width and height of a :class:`QWidget` as a tuple. :param widget: QWidget :type widget: QWidget :return: width and height of the widget :rtype: tuple ''' return widget.width(), widget.height()
[docs] @staticmethod def layout_widget_lister(self, layout): '''List all widgets in a given layout. :param layout: QLayout that contains widgets :type layout: QLayout :return: Tuple of widgets in the given layout :rtype: tuple ''' return (layout.itemAt(i) for i in range(layout.count()))
[docs] @staticmethod def delete_all_backups(): '''Deletes all backup mso files. :raises e: Any exceptions thrown by the function call :return: True, if backups are deleted :rtype: bool ''' try: backup_files = list_dir_abs(str(BACKUP_DIR)) if backup_files: for each_file in backup_files: os.remove(str(each_file)) return True except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} while calling {}'.format( e, MainWindow.delete_all_backups)) raise e
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): '''Handle main window close events. Writes mso backup files of all loaded runs that have human classifications so they can be restored later. :param event: QEvent :type event: QEvent ''' QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.setEnabled(False) try: for run in self.runOrganizer.all_runs: if run: for image in run.images: if image.human_class: self.runOrganizer.backup_classifications(run) logger.debug('Backed up {}'.format(run)) break # only backup files for runs with human classifications self.runOrganizer.save_recent_import_paths() # backup recent file imports except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} while calling {}'.format( e, self.closeEvent)) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() make_message_box( parent=self, message='Failed to backup all runs {}'.format(e)).exec_() self.setEnabled(True) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()'Closed Polo') event.accept()
[docs] def _read_recent_imports(self): '''Read recent import filepaths from the filepath specified by the :const:`RECENT_FILES` constant. If paths in this file exist then creates a menu item under the "Recents" import menu for that filepath. ''' try: with open(str(RECENT_FILES)) as recents: recent_imports = recents.readlines() for recent_import in recent_imports: recent_import = recent_import.strip() if os.path.exists(recent_import): action = QtWidgets.QAction(self) action.setObjectName(recent_import) action.setText(recent_import) self.menuRecent.addAction(action) except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} calling {}'.format( e, self._read_recent_imports ))
[docs] def _check_for_new_version(self): '''Use requests to check the Polo GitHub page for a newer release version. If a newer version exists open a message box that the user can click to take them to the releases page. ''' try: tags = requests.get(RELEASES) new_version = False str_ver = polo_version.split('.') if tags.status_code == 200: version_finder = re.compile( '<a href="/Hauptman-Woodward/Marco_Polo/releases/tag/v[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]') versions = version_finder.findall(tags.text) number_puller = re.compile('[0-9]') def version_value(version_list): value = 0 for i in range(len(version_list)): scaler = 10 ** (len(version_list) - i) value += (scaler * int(version_list[i])) return value current_version_value = version_value(str_ver) for version in versions: version = list(number_puller.findall(version)) if version_value(version) > current_version_value: new_version = True break if new_version: m = make_message_box( parent=self, message='You are using Polo {}. A newer version of Polo is available. Press Ok to open the Polo releases page to download the new version.'.format(polo_version), buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel ).exec_() if m == 1024: except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} calling {}'.format(e, self._check_for_new_version))
[docs] def _check_current_run_for_missing_images(self): if isinstance(self.current_run, HWIRun): num_images = len([1 for i in self.current_run.images if not i.is_placeholder]) message = '' if num_images > 1536: message = [ 'There are {} more images in the selected run than'.format(num_images - 1536), 'the max plate size of 1536. Well assignments may not be', 'accurate! Please re-download this run or remove the', 'the extra images.' ] elif num_images < 1536 and num_images != 96: message=[ 'It looks like this run may be missing images.', 'HWI runs usually have 1536 images or sometimes 96 images', 'but this run has {} images.'.format(num_images), 'It is recommended to redownload this run before you do', 'any further image processing or classification' ] if message: make_message_box( parent=self, message=' '.join(message) ).exec_()
[docs] def _set_tab_icons(self): '''Private method that assigns icons to each of the main run interface tabs. Should be called in the `__init__` method before the main window is shown to the user. ''' try: self.run_interface.setTabIcon(0, QIcon(str(ICON_DICT['camera']))) self.run_interface.setTabIcon(1, QIcon(str(ICON_DICT['plate']))) self.run_interface.setTabIcon(2, QIcon(str(ICON_DICT['table']))) self.run_interface.setTabIcon(3, QIcon(str(ICON_DICT['graph']))) self.run_interface.setTabIcon(4, QIcon(str(ICON_DICT['target']))) except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} calling {}'.format(self._set_tab_icons)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Failed to set icons {}'.format(e) ).exec_()
[docs] def _tab_limiter(self): '''Private method that limits the interfaces that a user is allowed to interact with based on the type of :class:`Run` they have loaded and selected. Currently, :class:`Run` functionality is limited due to the fact cocktails cannot be mapped to images. ''' if self.current_run and not isinstance(self.current_run, HWIRun): # need to disable stuff that requires cocktails self.tab_10.setEnabled(False) # optimize tab self.tab_2.setEnabled(False) # plate view tab else: self.tab_10.setEnabled(True) self.tab_2.setEnabled(True)
[docs] def _handle_citation_menu(self, action): try: cite_dialog = CiteDialog(parent=self) cite_dialog.exec_() except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} at {}u'.format( e, self._handle_citation_menu) ) make_message_box( 'Error {}: Could not open citation dialog.' ).exec_()
[docs] def _handle_opening_run(self, new_run): '''Private method that handles opening a run. For the most part, this means setting the :attr:`run` attribute of other widgets to the `new_run` argument. The setter methods of these widgets should then handle updating their interfaces to reflect the new run being opened. Also calls :meth:`` and :meth:`` to set allowed functions for the user based on the type of run they open. Additionally, if this is not the first run to be opened, before the `new_run` is set as the :attr:`current_run` the pixmaps of the :attr:`current_run` are unloaded to free up memory. :param q: List containing the run to be opened. Likely originating from the :class:`RunOrganizer` widget. :type q: list ''' try: if isinstance(new_run, list) and len(new_run) > 0: if self.current_run: self.current_run.unload_all_pixmaps() QPixmapCache.clear() for image in self.current_run.images: if image.human_class: self.runOrganizer.backup_classifications_on_thread( self.current_run) break logger.debug('Image data cleared from previous run') self.current_run = new_run.pop() self._check_current_run_for_missing_images() if (hasattr(self.current_run, 'insert_into_alt_spec_chain') and self.current_run.image_spectrum == IMAGE_SPECS[0] ): self.current_run.insert_into_alt_spec_chain() self._tab_limiter() # set allowed tabs by run type self._plot_limiter() # set allowed polo.plots = self.current_run = self.current_run self.tableInspector.update_table_view() if isinstance(self.current_run, HWIRun): = self.current_run = self.current_run'Opened run: {}'.format(self.current_run)) except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} calling {}'.format(e, self._handle_opening_run)) make_message_box(parent=self, message='Could not open current run. Failed {}'.format(e) ).exec_()
# enable nav by time if has linked runs # Menu handling methods # ======================================================================
[docs] def _handle_recent_import(self, action): '''Private method that handles when recent import filepath menu items are selected. Attempts to open the run specified by the filepath. :param action: QAction associated with recent import :type action: QAction ''' self.runOrganizer._import_runs([action.text()])
[docs] def _handle_tool_menu(self, selection): '''Private method that handles selection of all options available to the user in the `Tools` section of the main window menu. :param selection: User's menu selection :type selection: QAction ''' try: if selection == self.actionView_Log_2: log_dialog = LogDialog(parent=self) log_dialog.exec_() # elif selection == self.actionEdit_Current_Run_Data: # if self.current_run: # updater_dialog = RunUpdaterDialog( # self.current_run, # self.runOrganizer.ui.runTree.current_run_names) # updater_dialog.updated_run_signal.connect( # self.runOrganizer.refresh_run_after_update # ) # updater_dialog.exec_() # else: # make_message_box( # parent=self, # message='Please load a run first.').exec_() elif selection == self.actionDelete_Classification_Backups: self._handle_delete_backups() except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} at {}'.format(e, self._handle_tool_menu)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Failed to execute {} {}'.format(selection.text(), e) ).exec_()
[docs] def _handle_delete_backups(self): '''Private method that handles a user request to delete all backup mso files. If backups cannot be deleted shows a message box indicating failure to delete. ''' try: total_size = 0 backups = list_dir_abs(str(BACKUP_DIR)) if backups: total_size = sum([os.path.getsize(str(f)) for f in backups]) choice = make_message_box( parent=self, message='You have {} Mb of backups stored at {}. Would you like to delete these files?'.format( total_size * 1e-6, BACKUP_DIR), buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No ).exec_() if choice == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: are_you_sure = make_message_box( parent=self, message='Are you sure? You will lose these files FOREVER!', buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No ).exec_() if are_you_sure == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes: MainWindow.delete_all_backups() make_message_box(parent=self, message='Backups have been deleted.').exec_() except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} while calling {}'.format( e, self._handle_delete_backups)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Could not delete backups. Failed {}.\ They can be deleted manually at {}'.format(e, BACKUP_DIR) ).exec_()
[docs] def _handle_image_import(self, selection): '''Private method that handles when the user attempts to import images into Polo. Effectively a wrapper around other methods that provide the functionality to each option in the import menu. :param selection: QAction. QAction from user menu selection. ''' try: if selection == self.actionFrom_FTP: self.runOrganizer.import_run_from_ftp() elif selection == self.actionFrom_Saved_Run_3: self.runOrganizer.import_saved_runs() elif selection == self.actionFrom_Directory: self.runOrganizer.import_run_from_dialog() elif selection == self.actionCocktails: pass except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} at {}'.format(e, self._handle_image_import)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Failed to execute {} {}'.format(selection.text(), e) ).exec_()
[docs] def _handle_export(self, action, export_path=None): '''Private method to handle when a user requests to export a run to a non-xtal file format. :param action: QAction that describes the export type the user has requested :type action: QAction :param export_path: Path to export file to, defaults to None :type export_path: str or Path, optional ''' if self.current_run: if action != self.actionAs_PPTX: if not export_path: export_path = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save Run')[0] if export_path: export_path, export_results = Path(export_path), None if action == self.actionAs_HTML: writer = HtmlWriter(self.current_run) QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.WaitCursor) self.setEnabled(False) export_results = writer.write_complete_run( export_path, encode_images=True) elif action == self.actionAs_CSV: export_path = export_path.with_suffix('.csv') csv_exporter = RunCsvWriter(self.current_run, export_path) export_results = csv_exporter.write_csv() elif action == self.actionAs_MSO: message = make_message_box( parent=self, message='Press Yes to use human classifications or No to use MARCO classifications', buttons=QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel ).exec_() export_path = export_path.with_suffix('.mso') writer = MsoWriter(self.current_run, export_path) if message == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Cancel: return elif message == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No: export_results = writer.write_mso_file(use_marco_classifications=True) else: export_results = writer.write_mso_file(use_marco_classifications=False) elif action == self.actionAs_JSON: writer = JsonWriter(self.current_run, export_path) export_results = writer.write_json() # check if need to show an error message self.setEnabled(True) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if export_results != True and export_results != None: make_message_box( message='Export failed', parent=self ).exec_() else: presentation_maker = PptxDesignerDialog( self.runOrganizer.ui.runTree.loaded_runs) presentation_maker.exec_() else: make_message_box( parent=self, message='Please load a run first' ).exec_()
[docs] def _handle_file_menu(self, selection): '''Private method that handles user interaction with the file menu; this usually means saving a run as an xtal file. :param selection: QAction that describes user selection :type selection: QAction ''' try: save_path = None if selection == self.actionRemove_Run: self.runOrganizer.remove_run() elif self.current_run: save_path = None current_run_saver = XtalWriter(self.current_run, self) if selection == self.actionSave_Run: if hasattr(self.current_run, 'save_file_path'): save_path = self.current_run.save_file_path else: save_path = self._save_file_dialog() elif selection == self.actionSave_Run_As: save_path = self._save_file_dialog() if save_path: # double check wonky stuff happening in save dialog current_run_saver.write_xtal_file_on_thread(save_path) else: make_message_box( parent=self, message='No suitable filepath was given.' ).exec_() except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} at {}'.format(e, self._handle_file_menu)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Failed to execute {} {}'.format(selection.text(), e) ).exec()
[docs] def _handle_help_menu(self, action): '''Private method that handles user interaction with the help menu. All selections open links to various pages of the documentation website. :param action: QAction that describes the user's selection :type action: QAction ''' try: if action == self.actionQuickstart_Guide: elif action == self.actionDocumentation: elif action == self.actionFAQ: elif action == self.actionUser_Guide: elif action == self.actionAbout: except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} at {}'.format(e, self._handle_help_menu)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Failed to execute {} {}'.format(action.text(), e) )
# Plot Window Methods # =========================================================================
[docs] def _handle_plot_selection(self): '''Private method to handle user plot selections. TODO: Move all plot methods into their own widget ''' if self.current_run: current_item = self.listWidget_3.currentItem() if current_item: current_text = current_item.text() if current_text == 'Plate Heatmaps': self.matplotlib_widget.plot_plate_heatmaps( self.current_run) elif current_text == 'MARCO Accuracy': self.matplotlib_widget.plot_meta_stats(self.current_run) elif current_text == 'Classification Counts': self.matplotlib_widget.plot_bars(self.current_run) elif current_text == 'Classification Progress': self.matplotlib_widget.plot_classification_progress( self.current_run) elif current_text == 'Cocktail': #self.matplotlib_widget.cocktail_distance_heatmap(self.current_run) pass
# allow or disallow access to ploting methods based on run object type
[docs] def _plot_limiter(self): '''Private method to limit the types of plots that can be shown based on the type of the `current_run`. ''' if self.current_run: self.listWidget_3.clear() self.listWidget_3.addItems(self.current_run.AllOWED_PLOTS)
[docs] def _save_file_dialog(self): '''Private method to open a QFileDialog to get a location to save a run to. :return: Path to save file to :rtype: str ''' file_name = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save Run') return file_name[0]
[docs] def _on_changed_tab(self, i): '''Private method that handles GUI behavior when a user switches from one tab to another. :param i: Int. The index of the current tab, after user has changed tabs. ''' i = int(i) # make sure its actually an int if self.current_run: if i == 0: pass # self.new_slideshow_image_routine() elif i == 2: self._handle_plot_selection() # refresh the current plot elif i == 5: # run data editor self.current_run.annotations = self.plainTextEdit.toPlainText() elif i == 4: self.optimizeWidget.update_interface()
# Depreciated Methods that just have too much sentimental value to delete # ========================================================================= # def add_loaded_run(self, run): # ''' # Add a run object to the loaded_runs attribute and add the run name to # the available runs listWidget so the user may select this run for # viewing. After this function call the run will be recoverable using # its run name as a key in the loaded_runs dictionary. # :param run: Run Object. New run to make available to the user. # ''' # self.loaded_runs[run.run_name] = run # item = QtWidgets.QListWidgetItem(self.listWidget) # item.setText(run.run_name) # # self.listWidget.addItem(item) #'Loaded run named {}'.format(run.run_name)) # def open_run_import_dialog(self): # ''' # Creates an instance of the RunImporterDialog class and displays # that dialog. After the instance is closed by the user checks to see # if a new run has been created and stored in the new_run attribute of # the RunImporterDialog instance. If one is present makes it available # to the user by passing contents of new_run to add_loaded_run. # ''' # importer_dialog = RunImporterDialog( # current_run_names=list(self.loaded_runs.keys())) # importer_dialog.exec_() # if importer_dialog.new_run != None: # self.add_loaded_run(importer_dialog.new_run) #'Added run successfully') # else: #'Attempted to open empty run at {}'.format( # self.open_run_import_dialog)) # def get_current_plot_selections(self): # return { # 'type': self.comboBox.currentText(), # 'x_axis': self.comboBox_2.currentText(), # 'y_axis': self.comboBox_3.currentText() # } # def get_current_plot_labels(self): # return { # 'title': self.lineEdit_2.text(), # 'x_lab': self.lineEdit_3.text(), # 'y_lab': self.lineEdit_4.text() # } # def apply_plot_selection_logic(self): # BAR_X_VARS = ['Human Classification', 'MARCO Classicication', # ''] # BAR_Y_VARS = ['Number Images'] # VIOLIN_X_VARS = ['Human Classification', 'MARCO Classification'] # VIOLIN_Y_VARS = ['Cocktail pH', 'Number Images'] # # method for enableing and disabling selections based on other selections # if self.comboBox.currentText() == 'Plate Heatmaps': # self.comboBox_2.clear() # self.comboBox_3.clear() # elif self.comboBox.currentText() == 'Bar': # self.clear_and_set_variable_boxes(BAR_X_VARS, BAR_Y_VARS) # elif self.comboBox.currentText() == 'Violin': # self.clear_and_set_variable_boxes(VIOLIN_X_VARS, VIOLIN_Y_VARS) # self.set_default_plot_labels() # def set_default_plot_labels(self): # # set title # x_var = self.comboBox_2.currentText() # y_var = self.comboBox_3.currentText() # self.lineEdit_2.setText('{} vs. {}'.format( # x_var, y_var # )) # self.lineEdit_3.setText(x_var) # self.lineEdit_4.setText(y_var) # def clear_and_set_variable_boxes(self, x_vars, y_vars): # ''' # Helper function for apply_plot_selection_logic that clears the # two variable combo boxes and sets new values to the values # contained in the x_vars and y_vars lists. # ''' # self.comboBox_2.clear() # self.comboBox_3.clear() # self.comboBox_2.addItems(x_vars) # self.comboBox_3.addItems(y_vars) # Dialog Windows (Open and Handle Methods) # ========================================================================= # def open_run_updater_dialog(self): # if self.current_run: # run_updater = RunUpdaterDialog(self.current_run, # list(self.loaded_runs.keys()), self) # else: # make_message_box( # parent=self, # message='Please load a run first.' # ).exec_() # NOTE: Time link and spectrum dialogs not currently used # as runs are linked automatically as they are loaded in # Keep this code for now as may remake a manual linking interface # later # def open_spectra_dialog(self): # spec_dialog = SpectrumDialog(loaded_runs=self.loaded_runs) # self.load_runs = spec_dialog.loaded_runs # if self.current_run and self.current_run.alt_spectrum: # self.plateInspector.set_alt_spectrum_buttons(allow=True) # self.slideshowInspector.set_alt_spectrum_buttons() # enable alt spectrum selections # def open_time_link_dialog(self): # time_dialog = TimeResDialog(available_runs=self.loaded_runs) # self.loaded_runs = time_dialog.available_runs # if self.current_run: # run is open # self.current_run = self.loaded_runs[self.current_run.run_name] # NOTE: Advanced tools have been temporarily removed since all functionality # they included has been applied automatically. May be adding in manual # interfaces later. # def handle_advanced_tools(self, selection): # if selection == self.actionTime_Resolved: # self.open_time_link_dialog() # elif selection == self.actionView_Log_2: # self.open_log_dialog() # elif selection == self.actionAdd_Image_Type: # self.open_spectra_dialog() # elif selection == self.actionEdit_Current_Run_Data: # self.open_run_updater_dialog() # def open_file_dialog(self, dialog_type='Dir'): # file_dlg = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() # if dialog_type == 'Dir': # file_dlg.setFileMode(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.Directory) # filenames = '' # if file_dlg.exec(): # filenames = file_dlg.selectedFiles() # return filenames[0] # else: # return False # def open_log_dialog(self): # log_dialog = LogDialog()