Source code for

import json
import os

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, uic
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QGridLayout
from polo.designer.UI_run_updater_dialog import Ui_runUpdater
from polo.utils.dialog_utils import make_message_box
from polo.utils.io_utils import RunLinker

from polo import LOG_PATH, bartender, IMAGE_SPECS, make_default_logger

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

[docs]class RunUpdaterDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): '''Small dialog for updating basic information about a run after it has been imported. Includes updating the plate ID, the cocktail menu used and the image spectrum. :param run: Run to update :type run: Run or HWIRun :param run_names: Names of already loaded runs. :type run_names: list or set :param parent: Parent widget, defaults to None :type parent: QWidget, optional ''' updated_run_signal = pyqtSignal(list) def __init__(self, run, run_names, parent=None): super(RunUpdaterDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.ui = Ui_runUpdater() self.ui.setupUi(self) = run self.run_names = run_names # all currently used run names self.ui.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.close) self._set_cocktail_menu() self._select_run_menu() self._set_run_date() self.ui.radioButton.toggled.connect(self._set_cocktail_menu) self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect(self._update_run) self.ui.comboBox_2.addItems(IMAGE_SPECS) @property def current_menus(self): '''The :class:`polo.utils.io_utils.Menu` instances that are currently being displayed to the user via the :class:`~polo.utils.io_utils.Menu` ::class:`QComboBox` widget. :return: List of :class:`polo.utils.io_utils.Menu` instances :rtype: list ''' return self._current_menus @current_menus.setter def current_menus(self, type_key): if type_key == 's' or type_key == 'm': # soluble or membrane self._current_menus = bartender.get_menus_by_type(type_key) else: return [] @property def run(self): '''The run being updated. :return: The run being updated :rtype: Run or HWIRun ''' return self._run @run.setter def run(self, new_run): self._run = new_run logger.debug('Opened new run {}'.format(self._run))
[docs] def _set_run_date(self): '''Set the :attr:`date` attribute of the :class:`Run` referenced by the :attr:`run` attribute from the value in the :class:`QDateEdit` widget. ''' if self.ui.dateEdit.setDate(
[docs] def _set_cocktail_menu(self): '''Private method that display cocktails in the :class:`~polo.utils.io_utils.Menu` :class:`QComboBox` based on the current menu type selection. Either displays soluble or membrane cocktail menus. ''' self.ui.comboBox.clear() if self.ui.radioButton.isChecked(): self.current_menus = 's' elif self.ui.radioButton_2.isChecked(): self.current_menus = 'm' self.ui.comboBox.addItems( [os.path.basename(menu.path) for menu in sorted( self.current_menus, key=lambda m: m.start_date)])
[docs] def _select_run_menu(self): '''Private method that sets the current index of the :class:`QComboBox` based on the current :attr:`cocktail_menu` attribute of the :class:`Run` instance referenced by the :attr:`run` attribute. ''' run_menu = menu_index = self.ui.comboBox.findText(os.path.basename(run_menu.path)) if menu_index: self.ui.comboBox.setCurrentIndex(menu_index)
[docs] def _update_run_cocktail_menu(self): '''Private method that updates the `cocktail_menu` attribute of the `Run` instance referenced by the :attr:`run` attribute based on the current :class:`~polo.utils.io_utils.Menu` :class:`QComboBox` selection. ''' new_menu = bartender.get_menu_by_basename(self.ui.comboBox.currentText()) if new_menu and new_menu.path != = new_menu for i, image in enumerate( image.cocktail =[image.well_number]
# NOTE: Currently working on doing this one. Updating run name is a much bigger # deal since it is used as the key for identifying a run # def update_run_name(self): # new_name = self.ui.lineEdit.text() # if new_name not in self.run_names and new_name != # = new_name
[docs] def _update_spectrum(self): '''Private method that update the spectrum of the :attr:`run` attribute and the images in that run based on the current selection of the spectrum :class:`QComboBox`. ''' new_spectrum = self.ui.comboBox_2.currentText() if new_spectrum != = new_spectrum for image in image.spectrum = new_spectrum all_linked_runs = + RunLinker.the_big_link(all_linked_runs)
[docs] def _update_date(self): # TODO make this work. Currently need to work out issues caused with # run linking when dates are changed. Since dates are used in the sample # display need to remove the node corresponding to the run that has # been updated and then reinsert and relink. new_date = self.ui.dateEdit.dateTime().toPyDateTime() # could add this functionality to setters for date instead of # handeling here if new_date != = new_date for image in = new_date linked_runs = if len(linked_runs) > 1: for run in linked_runs: for image in run.images: image.next_image = None image.previous_image = None run.next_run = None run.previous_run = None
[docs] def _update_plate_id(self): '''Private method that updates the `plate_id` attribute of the Run instance references by the :attr:`run` attribute based on the contents of the plate ID :class:`QLineEdit` widget. ''' new_id = self.ui.lineEdit_2.text() if new_id != = new_id
[docs] def _update_run(self): '''Private wrapper method that calls all other `_update` methods and then closes the dialog. ''' # self.update_run_name() try: self._update_run_cocktail_menu() self._update_spectrum() self._update_plate_id() self._update_date() self.updated_run_signal.emit([]) except Exception as e: logger.error('Caught {} calling {}'.format(e, self._update_run)) make_message_box( parent=self, message='Could not update run {}'.format(e) ).exec_() self.close()