Source code for

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets, uic
from PyQt5.QtCore import QPoint, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QBrush, QColor, QIcon, QPixmap
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QAction, QGridLayout

from polo import make_default_logger
from import HWIRun, Run
from polo.designer.UI_spectrum_dialog import Ui_Dialog
from polo.utils.ftp_utils import logon

logger = make_default_logger(__name__)

# TODO: Downloading function and reflect files in the actual FTP server
# Probably want to look into threads for downloading so not being done on
# the GUI thread

[docs]class SpectrumDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog): '''Small dialog used to link runs together by image spectrum. This is generally done when the same plate has been imaged using different photographic technologies. Linking the runs together allows the user to switch between the images in either run easily. :param loaded_runs: List of runs that have been loaded into Polo :type loaded_runs: list ''' def __init__(self, loaded_runs): QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self) self.ui = Ui_Dialog() self.ui.setupUi(self) self.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.loaded_runs = loaded_runs self.suggested_links = None self.current_suggestion = None self.ui.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.display_suggestion) self.ui.pushButton_2.clicked.connect(self.close) self.ui.pushButton.clicked.connect(self.link_current_selection) self.populate_list_widgets() self.suggest_links() logger.debug('Opened {}'.format(self)) self.exec_()
[docs] def populate_list_widgets(self): '''Adds items to each image spectrum type list widget based on the Run objects stored in the `loaded_runs` attribute. ''' for run_name, run in self.loaded_runs.items(): if type(run) == HWIRun: if run.image_spectrum == 'Visible': self.ui.listWidget.addItem(run_name) elif run.image_spectrum == 'UV-TPEF': self.ui.listWidget_2.addItem(run_name) elif run.image_spectrum == 'SHG': self.ui.listWidget_3.addItem(run_name) else: self.ui.listWidget_4.addItem(run_name)
[docs] def display_suggestion(self): '''Show the link suggestion to the user by selecting suggested links. ''' if self.suggested_links: self.current_suggestion = self.suggested_links.pop() for run in self.current_suggestion: spectrum_list_widget = self.get_spectrum_list(run) spectrum_list_widget.setCurrentItem(run.run_name)
[docs] def show_error_message(self, message=':('): ''' Helper method for showing a QErrorMessage dialog to the user. :param message: String. The message text to show to the user. ''' err = QtWidgets.QErrorMessage(parent=self) err.showMessage(message) err.exec()
[docs] def validate_selection(self, selected_runs): if len(selected_runs) < 2: self.show_error_message('At least 2 runs must be selected') return False return True
# TODO add warning messages when dates are not the # same and suggest using the other linker for # time resolved runs
[docs] def get_selections(self): '''Retrieve the runs that have been selected by the user or by suggestion. :return: list of selected run names :rtype: list ''' selections = [] list_widgets = [ self.ui.listWidget, self.ui.listWidget_2, self.ui.listWidget_3, self.ui.listWidget_4 ] for widget in list_widgets: if widget.currentItem(): selections.append(widget.currentItem().text()) return selections
[docs] def get_spectrum_list(self, run): '''Returns the listwidget that a run should be assigned to based on the run's image type. :param run: Run object to assign to a listWidget :type run: Run :return: QListWidget to place that run into :rtype: QListWidget ''' if run.image_spectrum == 'Visible': return self.ui.listWidget elif run.image_spectrum == 'UV-TPEF': return self.ui.listWidget_2 elif run.image_spectrum == 'SHG': return self.ui.listWidget_3 else: return self.ui.listWidget_4